Building Custom Plugins

When writing your own Plugin, you need to be aware that the Plugin Client is async first. This means that every plugin must be written with Promises. More about this later.

Each plugin must implement the Http\Client\Common\Plugin interface.

New in version 1.1: The plugins were moved to the client-common package in version 1.1. If you work with version 1.0, the interface is called Http\Client\Plugin\Plugin and you need to require the separate php-http/plugins package. The old interface will keep extending Http\Client\Common\Plugin, but relying on it is deprecated.

This interface defines the handleRequest method that allows to modify behavior of the call:

 * Handles the request and returns the response coming from the next callable.
 * @param RequestInterface $request Request to use.
 * @param callable         $next    Callback to call to have the request, it muse have the request as it first argument.
 * @param callable         $first   First element in the plugin chain, used to to restart a request from the beginning.
 * @return Promise
public function handleRequest(RequestInterface $request, callable $next, callable $first);

The $request comes from an upstream plugin or PluginClient itself. You can replace it and pass a new version downstream if you need.

The $next callable is the next plugin in the execution chain. When you need to call it, you must pass the $request as the first argument of this callable.

For example a simple plugin setting a header would look like this:

public function handleRequest(RequestInterface $request, callable $next, callable $first)
    $newRequest = $request->withHeader('MyHeader', 'MyValue');

    return $next($newRequest);

The $first callable is the first plugin in the chain. It allows you to completely reboot the execution chain, or send another request if needed, while still going through all the defined plugins. Like in case of the $next callable, you must pass the $request as the first argument:

public function handleRequest(RequestInterface $request, callable $next, callable $first)
    if ($someCondition) {
        $newRequest = new Request();
        $promise = $first($newRequest);

        // Use the promise to do some jobs ...

    return $next($request);


In this example the condition is not superfluous: you need to have some way to not call the $first callable each time or you will end up in an infinite execution loop.

The $next and $first callables will return a Promise. You can manipulate the Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface or the Http\Client\Exception by using the then method of the promise:

public function handleRequest(RequestInterface $request, callable $next, callable $first)
    $newRequest = $request->withHeader('MyHeader', 'MyValue');

    return $next($request)->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) {
        return $response->withHeader('MyResponseHeader', 'value');
    }, function (\Http\Client\Exception $exception) {
        echo $exception->getMessage();

        throw $exception;


Contract for the Http\Promise\Promise is temporary until a PSR is released. Once it is out, we will use this PSR in HTTPlug and deprecate the old contract.


If a plugin throws an exception that does not implement Http\Client\Exception it will break the plugin chain.

To better understand the whole process check existing implementations in the client-common package.

Contributing Your Plugins to PHP-HTTP

We are open to contributions. If the plugin is of general interest, not too complex and does not have dependencies, the best is to do a Pull Request to php-http/client-common. Please see the contribution guide. We don’t promise that every plugin gets merged into the core. We need to keep the core as small as possible with only the most widely used plugins to keep it maintainable.

The alternative is providing your plugins in your own repository. Please let us know when you do, we would like to add a list of existing third party plugins to the list of plugins.