Redirect Plugin

The RedirectPlugin automatically follows redirection answers from a server. If the plugin detects a redirection, it creates a request to the target URL and restarts the plugin chain.

The plugin attempts to detect circular redirects and will abort when such a redirect is encountered. Note that a faulty server appending something on each request is not detected. This situation is caught by the plugin client itself and can be controlled through the max_restarts: int (default 10) setting.

Initiate the redirect plugin as follows:

use Http\Discovery\HttpClientDiscovery;
use Http\Client\Common\PluginClient;
use Http\Client\Common\Plugin\RedirectPlugin;

$redirectPlugin = new RedirectPlugin();

$pluginClient = new PluginClient(


Following redirects can increase the robustness of your application. But if you build some sort of API client, you want to at least keep an eye on the log files. Having your application follow redirects instead of going to the right end point directly makes your application slower and increases the load on both server and client.


Depending on the status code, redirecting should change POST/PUT requests to GET requests. This plugin implements this behavior - except if you set the strict option to true, as explained below. It removes the request body if the method changes, see stream_factory below.

To understand the exact semantics of which HTTP status changes the method and which not, have a look at the configuration in the source code of the RedirectPlugin class.


preserve_header: boolean|string[] (default: true)

When set to true, all headers are kept for the next request. false means all headers are removed. An array of strings is treated as a whitelist of header names to keep from the original request.

use_default_for_multiple: bool (default: true)

Whether to follow the default direction on the multiple redirection status code 300. If set to false, a status of 300 will raise the Http\Client\Common\Exception\MultipleRedirectionException.

strict: bool (default: false)

When set to true, 300, 301 and 302 status codes will not modify original request’s method and body on consecutive requests. E. g. POST redirect requests are sent as POST requests instead of POST redirect requests are sent as GET requests.

stream_factory: StreamFactoryInterface (default: auto discovered)

The PSR-17 stream factory is used to create an empty stream for removing the body of the request on redirection. To keep the body on all redirections, set stream_factory to null. The stream factory is discovered if either php-http/discovery is installed and provides a factory, or nyholm/psr7 or a new enough version of guzzlehttp/psr7 are installed. If you only have other implementations, you need to provide the factory in stream_factory.

If no factory is found, the redirect plugin does not remove the body on redirection.